Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Spot the difference!

If you can spot 5 differences then send in where they are and what they are.  The first to send in some answers wins the contest!
PS: I dont know where any are.


  1. 1.the old lady doesnt have a pin on her head
    2.there are three bananas not two
    3.there is a disc on the plate
    4.the cat is holding a lollypop the other a spoon
    5.there are two bollards on the shelf other a bowel

  2. I see 14 differences, I'll add on charlotte's answers...
    6. the clock's hands
    7. mountain picture
    8. flowers on pot plant
    9. happy face on right shelf plate
    10. the curtain ring sizes
    11. girl's sock
    12. lady's tie
    13. girl's tongue
    14. cupboard handle shapes

  3. Hi Max and Wilson,
    The first one is the hands on the clock are not pointing at the same number. There is a picture on the wall and the picture is of mountains and the mountains are not the same shape. On the chest of draws the top two draws the handles to open the draws are a different shape. In the draws there are different objects but the way this is a level down from the draws I was just talking about. Last of all the bottom draw has 2 plates sticking out but on one side there is a smiley face on one plate and on the other side there is no smiley face.
    From Ebony S.
